
Award-winning educator, Ashleigh Lore, currently teaches BK-4th elementary general music.  She received her M.M. in Music Education from The University of Michigan ('18) and her B.M.E. from Central Michigan University ('11), where she double majored in Vocal Music Education and English Education.  In 2017, she completed all levels for certification in the Orff-Schulwerk approach, thanks to grants from the American Orff-Schulwerk Association's Gunild Keetman Assistance Fund (awarded in both 2014 & 2017).  In 2020, she took her first Orff Masterclass (Holding Space: The Gestalt of Orff Schulwerk), and in summer 2023, Ashleigh traveled to Salzburg, Austria, to study at Orff-Institut, thanks to funding from the Barbara Potter Scholarship Fund (AOSA).  In addition to her Orff training, Ashleigh is First Steps in Music (FAME) Certified, Google Educator Certified, has completed Kodaly Level I training (USA), and has taken additional courses in Kodaly Music Education (UK).

In 2019, Ashleigh established the Learning Lore Press publishing & educational consulting company.  Through LLP, she published her first book, The Music Educator's Guide to Grant Writing (2019), which has been met with many five-star reviews.  Her second book, Recorder Boot Camp (2021), focuses on an approach to teaching soprano recorder to children in an engaging, encouraging, and sequential way.

Between writing, editing, and advising others, Ashleigh has earned millions of dollars in grant funding since 2013.  She presents nationally, leads grant writing workshops and graduate courses, and is a strong advocate for music education (where she has served on a variety of boards and committees).  Ashleigh is currently the Treasurer of the Michigan Music Education Association (MMEA), Past-President of the Mid-Michigan Orff-Schulwerk Association (MMOSA), a founding Committee Member of the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg (IOSFS) Finance Committee, Member-At-Large for the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) General Music Council, and Vice President of the Grand Ledge Education Association (GLEA).  Ashleigh is an adjunct professor teaching Grant Writing for the Music Educator, a week-long graduate course at Anderson University (IN) based upon her first book. This course is the first of its kind, and continues to be offered at Anderson and other colleges across the nation.

Ashleigh teaches elementary music in mid-Michigan, serves the Lansing Symphony Orchestra as their Education & Outreach Coordinator, and is an independent educational consultant. She is the 2022-23 Region 6 Teacher of the Year for the state of Michigan, and the first-ever elementary music educator named a Regional Teacher of the Year for the state of Michigan.  She can be reached at or

Additional Experience & Service Includes:

Articles Written About Ashleigh and/or Her Programs: